


Meet the Prestigious Judges Leading BOBM 2024 BOBM評審團陣容公佈

Tastes from All Parts of the World at RBHK 在香港餐飲展發掘世界各地的味道!

Be a Voice for Sustainability at NOA Academy 2024 天然有機學堂2024講者招募

Visitor Online Pre-registration Opens Today! 買家網上預先登記現已開放

How will Hong Kong’s Dining Scene evolve in 2024? 一探2024香港餐飲格局轉變

Why Natural & Organic Movement is Unstoppable 天然有機浪潮勢不可擋

New theme for Pairing Sensations 2024 Sustainability 賞酒嘗味饌2024新主題:永續·傳承

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.New theme for Pairing Sensations 2024 Sustainability 賞酒嘗味饌2024新主題:永續·傳承

From Bar to Star Best Bar Awards Announced! 最佳酒吧大獎閃耀登場

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.From Bar to Star Best Bar Awards Announced! 最佳酒吧大獎閃耀登場

Pouring Success Exploring Asia’s Vibrant Wine Market 開闢亞洲葡萄酒市場新天地

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.Pouring Success Exploring Asia’s Vibrant Wine Market 開闢亞洲葡萄酒市場新天地

Baked Goods and Chocolates to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth! 探索烘焙食品及巧克力市場商機!

Baked Goods and Chocolates to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth! 探索烘焙食品及巧克力市場商機!

Greenspiration Unleashed with Vegetable Showcase 匯聚蔬菜展商 聚焦綠色飲食

Greenspiration Unleashed with Vegetable Showcase 匯聚蔬菜展商 聚焦綠色飲食Greenspiration Unleashed with Vegetable Showcase 匯聚蔬菜展商 聚焦綠色飲食

Sneak Peak of our upcoming events! 精彩活動搶先看

Sneak Peak of our upcoming events! 精彩活動搶先看

The Synergy of Tableware and Restaurant Identity 精選餐具有助餐廳升格?

The Synergy of Tableware and Restaurant Identity 精選餐具有助餐廳升格?

How will the Single-Use Plastic Ban Affect Food Packaging in Hong Kong 即棄塑膠產品管制對香港食品包裝有何影響?

How will the Single-Use Plastic Ban Affect Food Packaging in Hong Kong 即棄塑膠產品管制對香港食品包裝有何影響?

Wine & Spirits Trends to Sip in 2024 揭秘2024葡萄酒烈酒新趨勢

Wine & Spirits Trends to Sip in 2024 揭秘2024葡萄酒烈酒新趨勢

Ride the Dragon with RBHK 2024 乘龍之勢 開拓餐飲新機遇

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.Ride the Dragon with RBHK 2024 乘龍之勢 開拓餐飲新機遇

Bake, Brew, Bond Step into Hong Kong’s Café Scene 把握香港咖啡室致勝之道

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.Bake, Brew, Bond Step into Hong Kong’s Café Scene 把握香港咖啡室致勝之道

Diverse Organic Choices in F&B and Hospitality Industries 給顧客更多「有機」的選擇

Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.Diverse Organic Choices in F&B and Hospitality Industries 給顧客更多「有機」的選擇

Upcoming Trends in the F&B industry of 2024 (Part 2) 餐飲業2024年最新去向 (下)

Upcoming Trends in the F&B industry of 2024 (Part 1) 餐飲業2024年最新去向 (上)

Technology Eases Manpower Shortage in Hospitality and F&B Industry with High Demands 餐飲款待業需求旺盛 科技解決人手不足問題

Building a Better Culture for the F&B Industry – With More than Just Food! 建立優質餐飲文化 — 不只是食物

Café Elements on the Menu Next Year 咖啡廳展區明年進駐!

Café Delights Take Center Stage in 2024 咖啡廳文化席捲香港餐飲展2024

RBHK Concludes with Resounding Success and Sets the Stage for 2024! 香港餐飲展圓滿結束 確立2024新定位

Thank you for being part of the RBHK journey 感謝您參與香港餐飲展採購之旅

Last Chance! Join us for a Flavourful Journey! 最後今日 餐飲採購之旅收官

Uncover More Excitement at Day 2 of RBHK! 展覽第二天 精彩加倍

Show Opens TODAY! Day 1 Adventure Awaits! 展覽今日開幕 展開採購之旅

Have a Taste of America at the U.S. Pavilion! 於美國展館體驗美式滋味!

Opening Tomorrow! Discover the Show Highlights! 展覽明天開幕 亮點搶先看

A Journey Together: Gratitude to the Prestige Buyer Groups 感謝卓譽買家團並肩同行

Discover Fresh and Sustainable Produces at RBHK! 精選新鮮蔬菜 實現可持續飲食

RBHK Exhibits to Satisfy your sourcing needs! 香港餐飲展匯集你的採購需求!

The Birth of Coffee-Spirits Blend Master & Japan Champion Showcase! 角逐香港最佳咖啡調酒師 日本賽冠軍即席表演!

Check out Pairing Sensation’s Top 12 Finalists! 賞酒嘗味饌選 12強名單出爐

BOBM announced Top 10 Restaurants! BOBM公佈十強推薦餐廳!

Sustainable Food Industry Development: Changing the Taste of the World? 可持續餐飲:改變世界味道?

Levelled-Up Tasting Theatre Returns! 醇饌品味廳升級回歸

Reserve Your Seat for the First-ever Beer Tasting Session! 全新啤酒品味工作坊 立即登記留座

How Smart Can Your Hotel or Restaurant be? 餐廳酒店智能化升級

Plunge into the Tale of Brewing Mastery 走進精釀啤酒的世界

An Ocean of Opportunities in Asia’s Seafood Sector 發掘亞洲海鮮市場海量商機!

Last Chance to Book a Booth at RBHK 2023 香港餐飲展2023 最後參展機會

Last Call to submit your combo for Pairing Sensations 賞酒嘗味饌選參賽最後召集

RBHK 2023: Reimagine F&B Experience 香港餐飲展2023重塑餐飲體驗

Hong Kong Coffee in Good Spirits Championship lands in RBHK 香港咖啡調酒大賽登陸香港餐飲展!

Enter Washu Awards to showcase your Japanese Crafts! 香港和酒大賞評選優質日本佳釀

Ready for the Natural & Organic Boom? 想趕上天然及有機熱潮?

Why Asia will Win the Global Wine Market 亞洲將領跑國際葡萄酒市場

Visitor Online Pre-registration Opens Today! 買家網上預先登記現已開放

3Rs for Food Packaging: Rethink, Reduce, Recycle 食品包裝三大致勝法則

RBHK x GA 2022 wraps up with resounding success 香港餐飲展X亞洲高端食品展2022圓滿結束

The Best Table Management System Used Internationally by Restaurants & Bars

【Day 3】Final Chance to Visit, Hurry Up! 把握最後機會參觀

【Day 3】The Last yet the Greatest of all 最後一天精彩加倍!

【Day 2】Feel the F&B vibe in the afternoon! 下午速到場 感受歡快的餐飲氛圍!

【Day 2】Continue Your F&B Journey 今日繼續你的餐飲之旅

【Day 1】What’s going on at the show? 開幕現場速報 立即動身前往會場!

Show opens TODAY! See you later! 今日隆重開幕 會場見!

Tomorrow is the Day! Here’s what you must see… 展覽明天開幕 必看亮點

Online Pre-registration ends TODAY! 買家預先登記今日結束

Reserve your seat at Green Kitchen! 綠色煮意廚藝示範 登記留座

Final Call for online pre-registration 倒數!買家預先登記最後召集

Invitation to the U.S. Cooking Demonstration Area! 美國烹飪展示區 打造地道「美」食盛宴

The Path to World Coffee Champion starts right HERE 發掘港咖啡新星 衝擊世界冠軍

Wine Tasting Theatre is back ! 醇酒品味廳升級回歸

Online Pre-registration extended to 2 September! 網上預先登記延至9月2日截止

Reserve your seat at Green Kitchen!

Going Sustainable? Experience it at Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong with Sustainabl. Planet 實現可持續食品包裝 Sustainabl. Planet 領銜參展品牌

From zero to hero: venturing into the HK market with the right support! 獲取最佳戰略 在香港市場揚帆啟航

Italian Cocktail Challenge – Last Call for Application

Dive into the seafood paradise @RBHK x GA 海鮮狂熱席捲香港餐飲展 X 亞洲高端食品展

Act Now before pre-registration closes on 26 August! 馬上行動,於8月26日前預先登記!

We heard you are sourcing for your restaurant! 想為餐廳採購合適產品?

Beer Street is back and bustling! Pre-register to visit! 啤酒街重返會展,熱鬧非凡! 立即預先登記成為買家!

Head to HKCEC from 6-8 Sep to Source for your Café! 9 月 6 至 8 日親臨會展為您的業務進行採購!

Sourcing for Wine? Register Now to Enter the World of Winery! 正為業務搜尋葡萄酒?立即登記,進入葡萄酒的領域!

Find the Best Way of Winning F&B Business! 親臨尋找餐飲業的致勝之道!

Register Now to Grow Your Business, Expand + More! 別錯過讓您的業務更上一層樓的機會!

Limited Booths Available – Exhibit Now! 剩餘展位數量有限 - 立即參展!

Hong Konger’s Incredible MEAT Crave! 香港人對肉食的渴求!

Online Visitor Pre-registration opens TODAY! 買家網上預先登記現已開放!

Calling for Entries – Pairing Sensations 提交你的創意配搭 – 賞酒嘗味饌選

Hong Kong Latte Art Championship x Coffee in Good Spirits Championship is calling for Sponsorship! 香港咖啡拉花大賽及香港咖啡調酒大賽 誠邀贊助機構!

80% of our Booths are SOLD OUT! Join Now! 我們八成的展位已售出了! 您還在猶豫?

Award-winning Bar? Atmospheric Speakeasy ? Hidden Gem in Sham Shui Po? We’re Looking for You! 獲獎酒吧? 地下酒吧? 還是藏在深水埗的隱世小店? 我們正在找你!

Bars Wanted! Calling for Bar Owners to join us this Summer at Hong Kong Cocktail Hopping 召集城中酒吧,加入香港雞尾酒節!!

Today’s Hospitality Industry is also about Smart Tech! 智能科技已成為酒店業不可或缺的元素!

Bars Wanted! Join Us for the Summer Cocktail Festival to Promote Your Bar! 加入夏日雞尾酒巡禮,為你的酒吧加油!

What Do You Know About Food Sustainability & Wastage? 你對食品可持續性和廚餘了解有多少?

Gourmet Kitchen is calling for Sponsorship 美饌廚藝坊誠邀贊助機構

Shoppers are reconsidering their Food-Buying Routine 消費者正在改變購買食物的習慣

Delivery Services are being Skyrocketed! 送貨服務的使用正在飆升!

How Pandemic Re-Shaped Grocery Shopping Habits Worldwide 全球疫情如何重塑日常消費習慣

What the F&B industry is talking about in 2020!

What the F&B industry is talking about in 2020! 2020年餐飲業熱話 The global organic food and beverages market is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.44% during the forecast period, 2020 to 2025. Increasing awareness about health benefits of organic food and beverages coupled with the advancement ...

Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong x Gourmet Asia 2020 is further rescheduled to 11 – 13 November

Together with the F&B industry, we will conquer the tough times

Who will be the NEXT Cocktail Master?

Here’s what your kitchen needs to achieve peak performance!

Feast your eyes on our TASTY events!

Back to the table: What’s next for the city’s F&B industry?

Online Pre-registration is Now Open!

Rebound from the pandemic and reach over 500K F&B Buyers from Asia digitally!

First B2B Tradeshow for the F&B Industry after the Pandemic

Opportunity for cleaning and hygiene products amid Coronavirus

Mark the date! 1-3 Sep 2020

RBHK X GA wrapped up a successful 17th edition

Last Day Tommorrow!

【DAY 2】Mark your Schedule Now!

Press Release – The 17th Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong X Gourmet Asia 2019, Natural & Organic Asia 2019 opened on 3 Sep in Hong Kong

RBHK X GA Kicked Off with Opening Ceremony

Special Guests officiating RBHK X GA Opening Ceremony 2019

Final Call to Pre-register for RBHK X GA

Develop your Wine Palate at Wine Tasting Theatre

Indulge your senses in Chef Masterclass

Visitor Pre-registration extended to 26 August

Enter the RBHK House Wine Awards

Re: Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong X Gourmet Asia 2019

Cocktail Challenge 2019 Shakes up a Storm at RBHK X GA

More than Just a Meal – The Crux of F&B Business

HOFEX F&B scene plays out in RBHK X GA

Equip your business for success

Exhibit Space Over 90% Sold!

Visitor Pre-registration is now launched!

Bringing High Standards to the Dining Scene

Gourmet Asia 2018 wrapped up with tremendous success!


Non-surprise but Gourmet Asia is PACKED again today!

Day 2 of Gourmet Asia to be continued…

Day 1 of Gourmet Asia 2018 opened with GREAT Success!

What’s happening in 2 day? Gourmet Asia is your answer!

Overwhelming responses from visitors!

Gourmet Tasting Restaurant – The New Chemistry in your Industry!

Final call: Last Chance to Pre-register!

Act Quick! Pre-registration closes on Friday!

Tsit Wing is bringing 3 more major brands in May!

Unveil VOSS’s latest flavour only at Gourmet Asia!

Here begins your Gourmet Journey

Truffles – Diamonds of the Gourmet World

Earthy: A Trend that has taken the beverages industry by storm

Save the Date to Meat & Greet!

Fine Dining Water the next BIG thing!

Dessert for breakfast: Yes why not?

The Most Comprehensive Coffee Exhibition in HK

Happy Chinese New Year! 狗年大吉!

From Big and Slow to FAST AND NIMBLE

Get a Taste of Japan! 品味日本

RE: Gourmet Asia 2018 Visitor Pre-registration

They joined! What are you waiting for?

Apply Media Pass

Journalists and member of the media are most welcome to visit the show. To apply media pass, please contact:

Mr Calvin Lau
[email protected]

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