Gourmet Tasting Restaurant @ Gourmet Asia
Exciting events, spicing up your industry!
Gourmet Tasting Restaurant @ Gourmet Asia is a showcase of local chefs, talents, international award winners and mythical gastronomic leaders who will blend with patrons in a convivial setting. With Hong Kong Tourism Board as our prime supporting association; the event is delighted to showcase a specialty lunch menu where star-rated chefs and talents will use exhibitor’s ingredients to cook and serve onsite VIP guests, bringing you an extraordinary gourmet tasting experience!
展覽期間同場呈獻 Gourmet Tasting Restaurant @ Gourmet Asia,特別邀請 本地廚師、國際得獎廚師和神秘餐飲界重頭嘉賓即場與食客互動。活動由香港 旅遊發展局全力支持,更請來星級廚師坐鎮,即席使用參展商優質食材炮製午 膳予多位貴賓,讓嘉賓一嚐展會限定的菜單,勢將展覽氣氛推到高峰。
Antonhill x Vocational Training Council Industry Uniform Fashion Show
安翹 x 職業訓練局企業制服時裝秀
AntonHill will join force with Vocational Training Council bringing our visitors a spectacular fashion show showcasing their signature uniforms.