
由侍酒師和醇酒專家主持的一系列工作坊,與您分享品酒心得、葡萄酒鑑賞及餐酒搭配技巧,同時分析最新市場趨勢,讓您在數小時內搖身一變成為醇酒搭配大師!除此之外,新增的啤酒品鑑環節將帶您探索 RBHK 的全新領域。啤酒參展商將詳細解說每一瓶精釀啤酒的起源、味道、香氣、釀造過程和飲用技巧,帶您踏上一段扣人心弦的啤酒品味之旅。您可透過即場品味,讀懂每杯啤酒獨特的靈魂,加深對啤酒工藝的理解。

日期: 2023 年9 月 5 – 7 日
地點: 香港會議展覽中心展覽廳5FG, Tasting Theatre



11:30 – 12:30

A Closer Look into IPA
細看 IPA

Theme Description 主題簡介

Join us on 5th September from 11:30am to 12:30pm at the Tasting Theatre, RBHK, HKCEC for an immersive workshop that will take you on a journey into the fascinating world of IPA. This workshop will be led by Warren Yu, a renowned beer expert and Board Member of Craft Beer Association of Hong Kong.
During this workshop, Warren will delve into the origins, styles, and significance of IPA, making it a must-know for beer enthusiasts. Get ready for a truly unforgettable experience as Warren guides you through a tasting of six exceptional IPAs crafted by local and US beer companies. Explore the diverse aromas and hop influences that make each IPA unique, while gaining valuable insights into the brewing process and the art of balancing flavours.
Whether you are a seasoned IPA connoisseur or new to the world of craft beer, this workshop promises to be an enlightening and palate-pleasing adventure. Expand your knowledge and appreciation for IPA as we unravel its complexities and secrets.
We are excited to share this hop-filled event with you at RBHK. See you there!

歡迎於 9 月 5 日上午 11:30 至中午 12:30於香港會議展覽中心 RBHK Tasting Theatre參加由著名啤酒專家、香港精釀啤酒協會董事會成員 Warren Yu 主持的「細看 IPA」工作坊,一起踏上 IPA 的精釀之旅。
準備好迎接一次真正難忘的體驗吧!Warren 將深入探討 IPA 的起源、風格和重要性,讓你掌握啤酒的重要知識。 他將帶您品嚐由香港本地及美國啤酒公司釀造的六款卓越IPA, 探索多樣化的香氣和啤酒花影響,學懂啤酒釀造過程的過程和風味平衡的藝術。
無論您是經驗豐富的IPA 的飲家,還是初次接觸精釀啤酒的新手,這個工作坊都將為您帶來一趟充滿啟發而愉悅味蕾的旅程。 跟著我們逐一揭開 IPA 的重重秘密,增加您對 IPA 的了解和欣賞。

Warren Yu

About the Speaker 關於講者

Warren is a BJCP Certified Judge and a Certified Cicerone. Warren aspires to be the bridge of the local community with his excellent Chinglish and more than fluent Cantonese language skills. Warren is also the Board Member of Craft Beer Association of Hong Kong and the Manager of Blue Supreme, a beer bar that specializes in bottle conditioned beers and modern American cuisine.

Warren 是一名擁有BJCP認證的評審員和Cicerone認證的啤酒專家。Warren以其出色的中式英語和流利的粵語能力,立志要成為與本地社區之間的橋樑。他同時也是香港精釀啤酒協會的一董事會成員,以及Blue Supreme的經理。Blue Supreme是一家專門提供「瓶發」啤酒和現代美式料理的啤酒吧。



13:00 – 14:00

A Symphony of Umami: Sake for your Charcuterie Board

Theme Description 主題簡介

It goes without saying that Sake matches with Japanese food, but do you know that Sake pairing can be a lot more interesting than you imagine? Join us for a fun-filled workshop with AWSEC’s certified Sake Educator and explore how Sake can make unique and delicious combinations with one of the most popular appetizers, the charcuterie board, and elevate your next dining experience with these exceptional pairings.

無可否認,清酒與日本料理是絕佳的搭配,但你知道清酒搭配可以比想像 的有趣得多嗎? 加入由 AWSEC 的認證清酒導師帶領的品鑑會,探索清酒 如何與廣受歡迎的西式開胃菜 — 冷肉拼盤進行獨特而美味的搭配,並通過 這些獨特的味覺組合提升你下一次的用餐體驗。

Micky Lo
(WSET Certified Sake Educator, SSI International Sakasho)

About the Speaker 關於講者

Micky Lo is an experienced Wine and Sake Educator of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). He attained his International SakaSho qualification in 2022 and is a WSET Certified Sake Educator. He has more than 10 years of Sake appreciation experience, and loves guiding students to explore and savour the rich heritage and knowledge of the world of Sake.

Micky Lo 是亞洲葡萄酒服務與教育中心(AWSEC®)的一位經驗豐富的 葡萄酒和清酒教育家。他於 2022 年獲得了國際酒匠資格,並且是 WSET 認證的清酒導師。 他擁有超過 10 年的清酒鑑賞經驗,熱衷於引 導學生探索和品味清酒世界的豐富歷史和知識。



16:15 – 17:00

Beer Tasting Session – The World’s Best Beers are Brewed Here!
啤酒品味工作坊 – 香港地啤世一

Theme Description 主題簡介

You can’t make the world’s best wines in HK yet but you brew the world’s best beers here!

Chris Wong, founder of Heroes Beer Co., is going to introduce you to the 4 top class ingredients used in beer brewing in Hong Kong. Then he’ll take you on a journey with a guided tasting of 4 stellar local brews.

Be prepared to turn on your sensory gears to sniff, gaze and slurp through these amazing brews, and get ready to have your minds blown by what your local breweries are capable of brewing.


Heroes Beer Co創辦人Chris Wong會為你介紹香港啤酒釀造所使用的四種頂級原料,然後帶你踏上一段品嚐四種一流當地啤酒的旅程。


Chris Wong

About the Speaker 關於講者

Chris is the co-founder and head brewer of Heroes Beer Co and a co-owner of the city’s finest tap rooms. He is the city’s leading National BJCP Beer Judge and Certified Cicerone, he regularly runs beer education courses around the city to educate the F&B industry on beer knowledge.

Chris是Heroes Beer Co的聯合創始人和首席釀酒師,在港經營多間高質酒吧。Chris是啤酒評審認證協會 (BJCP) 認證的頂級國家級啤酒評審之一,更取得啤酒侍酒師認證,定期在全港各地舉辦啤酒教學課程,向餐飲界人士傳授啤酒知識。



17:30 – 18:30

Pairing Sensations @ RBHK: Caviar x Sake Pairing Session
賞酒嘗味饌選@ RBHK:魚子醬 X 清酒配搭環節

*By Invitation ONLY 只限受邀參觀人士

Theme Description 主題簡介

A brand-new prestige tasting event : Pairing Sensations @ RBHK , the Caviar and Sake Pairing Session is introduced as to offer a prestige tasting experience to the selected buyers.

香港餐飲展2023推出全新尊尚嘗味活動: 賞酒嘗味饌選@ RBHK,魚子醬 x 清酒配搭環節為特選買家提供尊享嘗味體驗。

Keita Wu

About the Speaker 關於講者

Keita Wu worked in hospitality industry for over 6 years, and handle the food pairing between wine/sake. In 2022, she stood out from all candidates and became 2022 Miss SAKE Hong Kong. And now she’s working in sake Trading company and introduce the seasonal sake with the food dining groups and restaurant.

Keita Wu 在酒店行業擁有超過六年以上的經驗,擅長葡萄酒/清酒和食物搭配。她在 2022年度的香港清酒小姐中脫穎而出。現在她於一家清酒貿易公司工作,與各大餐飲集團和餐廳合作,介紹適合不同場合及時宜的清酒。

Martin Brunet

About the Speaker 關於講者

Martin Brunet is an accomplished professional serving as the Sales and Marketing Director for the prestigious Royal Caviar Club. With his deep understanding of the world of luxury food and beverage, Martin brings a unique perspective to the world of luxury delicacies.

After he moved to Hong Kong to work in luxury beverage distribution as head of strategy he was instantly captivated by the city's world class hospitality scene. Avid learner, he developed his taste and knowledge for fine spirits and wines quickly and proved himself in Hong Kong ultra competitive scene through successful events and trend setting concepts.

Martin's dedication to promoting the unparalleled quality and craftsmanship of Royal Caviar Club products to discerning chefs and gourmets soon made him an invaluable asset to the company and a reference in the industry. From Dom Perignon and Highland Park to The Macallan or Louis XIII and Richard Hennessy, his passion for curating unforgettable experiences made him a unique taste maker in the luxury world and a confident of Asia's best chefs.

With his refined palate, profound understanding of caviar and unwavering commitment to excellence, Martin continues to elevate the Royal Caviar Club's reputation as a purveyor of the finest caviar and an ambassador for the art of gastronomy.

Martin Brunet 是Royal Caviar Club的銷售營運總監。憑藉對名貴食品和飲料的知識,Martin對此有不一樣的見解。


Martin致力向有信譽的廚師和美食家推廣皇家魚子醬俱樂部的產品,及其無與倫比的品質和工藝,很快使他成為公司的寶貴人才和行業的典範。從Dom Perignon 和Highland Park到The Macallan或Louis XIII 和Richard Hennessy,他對打造難忘體驗的熱情使他成為奢侈品界獨特的品味創造者,並成為亞洲最佳廚師的自信之選。


Cantonese and English


12:00 – 13:00

The Perfect Balancing Act of Wine and Food

Theme Description 主題簡介

Join us to explore the art and science of pairing wine and food as you sample some exciting and unusual flavours combinations! AWSEC’s Principal Educator Jennie Mack will guide you through the essentials of flavor matching, and take into account acidity and tannin when planning the perfect menu. From classic combinations to innovative matches, you will develop a discerning palate and gain confidence in creating memorable dining experiences.

與我們一起探索葡萄酒和食物搭配的科學和藝術,品嚐一些令人驚嘆和不 尋常的味覺組合! AWSEC 首席講師 Jennie Mack 將指導你了解風味搭配的 要點,及如何在規劃完美菜單時考慮葡萄酒中的酸度和單寧。 從經典組 合到創新搭配,你將培養敏銳的味覺,更有信心地去創造難忘的用餐體 驗。

Jennie Mack

About the Speaker 關於講者

Jennie Mack is the Co-Founder, Managing Director and Principal Educator of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). Her career revolved around training and education, from music to corporate training to etiquette training as she enjoys interacting with people and sharing experiences.

Holding many high-level wine qualifications, Jennie has been involved in wine education for 28 years, teaching all the WSET courses including the Diploma, French Wine Scholar (FWS), Italian Wine Scholar (IWS), Spanish Wine Scholar (SWS), and has trained staff of a number of wine producers and distributors, restaurants and hotels all over Asia.

Jennie Mack 是亞洲侍酒及教育中心 (AWSEC®) 的聯合創始人、董事總 經理和首席教育家。她的職業生涯圍繞著培訓和教育,從音樂、企業 培訓到禮儀培訓,因為她熱愛喜歡與人互動和分享經驗。

Jennie 從事葡萄酒教育工作 28 年,擁有多項高等葡萄酒認證資格,主 力教授英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會® (WSET®) 的所有課程,包括最 高級的 WSET®文憑,另有教授法國葡萄酒學者 (FWS)、意大利葡萄酒 學者 (IWS)、西班牙葡萄酒學者 (SWS) 等專業課程,亦曾在亞洲各地為 多家葡萄酒生產商和經銷商、餐廳和酒店培訓員工。



15:00 – 16:00

Pairing Sensations @ RBHK: Whisky x Chocolate Pairing Session
賞酒嘗味饌選@ RBHK:威士忌 X 朱古力配搭環節

*By Invitation ONLY 只限受邀參觀人士

Theme Description 主題簡介

A brand-new prestige tasting event : Pairing Sensations @ RBHK , the Whisky and Chocolate Pairing Session is introduced as to offer a prestige tasting experience to the selected buyers.

香港餐飲展2023推出全新尊尚嘗味活動: 賞酒嘗味饌選@ RBHK,威士忌 x 朱古力配搭環節為特選買家提供尊享嘗味體驗。

Yvonne Wang

About the Speaker 關於講者

The story began 30 years ago when Yvonne sparks her love of wine & spirits and trained to be a hotel sommelier in 1990. With long experiences engaging in F&B operation, retail buying, sales & marketing, brand building, and strategic management in wine & spirits industry; covering retailers, importers, and wineries. She has worked at the senior management position for reputable corporations including Ponti Trading, City Super Group, Altaya Group, Jackson Family Wines, and Grace Vineyard China.

While the Hong Kong wine market growing so fast since the millennium, wine industry was lack of manpower possessing both product knowledge and business know-how as a whole. Yvonne sees the potential when pursuing her Wine MBA in Bordeaux and decided to set up her own consulting company Vinergy Asia in 2016.

Vinergy Asia provides services including wine & spirits business solution, PR and event planning, wine list design, training, and education program etc. Clients including distributors, trade, and institutions such as Wines Link Group, Whisky Magazine HK, Coravin, St. James Settlement and City Super etc. With the dynamic market evolvement, Yvonne sees herself as a “fixer” to facilitate her clients with tailored made solutions in dealing with all sorts of situation.

Yvonne has extended her expertise to spirits, in particular whisky and gin distillation. She studied distillation courses in U.K. during 2016-17. She is the Co-founder and Instructor of WhiskyU, a whisky learning center established in 2018 and operated till 2021, in offering workshops and whisky course certified by Moray College UHI Scotland for Asia.

Yvonne is also one of the seeding investors of the Muckle Brig Limited, who owns Port of Leith Distillery and Lind & Lime Gin Distillery in Leith, Edinburgh of Scotland.

Yvonne also take part in various roles:

Currently: Wine Tutor at St. James Settlement (ERB Program) and VTC PEAK (Vocational Training Centre)

Previous: Part-time Lecturer at THEi (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, VTC) and Hong Kong Management Association

Currently: Spirit Judge (Team Head) in Restaurant & Bar HK since 2017

Previous: Columnist for magazine “Eat & Travel Weekly 飲⻝男⼥” and Live whisky program host for “Apple Daily 蘋果⽇報”

Wine & Spirits event speaker, Apprenticeship in Scottish whisky distillery Springbank and Strathern, Chevalier of Ordes des Coteaux de Champagne since 2008, Founding member of Society of Wine Educator Hong Kong & Macau Chapter since 2009, member of The Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD) since 2016.

Yvonne believes the two paths to excellence: getting it right and making it right. Traveling to wine & spirits region is part of her life. She has been to over 30 wine regions in the world, visited over 100 wineries, 15 Japanese sake breweries and shochu makers in Japan, and 10 whisky distilleries in Scotland.

Yvonne 年輕時選擇做酒店餐飲都只為愛吃愛喝。從事酒類⼯作近三⼗年,從侍酒師、買⼿、批發、零售、營銷管 理、教書、甚⾄飲⻝雜誌專欄作家,凡跟酒有關的⼯作都熱愛。

Yvonne 在 1990 年接受培訓成為酒店侍酒師。五年酒店餐飲⽣涯後轉形為葡萄酒買⼿。曾於 City Super 任職近 9 年, 離任時為駐上海的銷售營運部總監。後來回歸⾹港成為⼤亞集團龐建貽 Paulo Pong 的零售部總經理,於 22 個⽉內籌 建葡萄酒專⾨店 etc wine shops 共三間⾨店, 並同時於法國波爾多準時完成其 Wine MBA。之後轉到酒莊⼯作,曾任職 美國著名葡萄酒集團 Jackson Family Wines 之⼤中華區總經理,及⼭⻄怡園酒莊的策略總監 。

憑藉多年在餐飲,零售,市場營銷,品牌管理以及戰略管理⽅⾯的豐富⾼管和實戰經驗,Yvonne 在 2016 年成⽴⾃⼰ 的顧問公司 Vinergy Asia,提供務實的酒類營銷⽅案,由操作層⾯以⾄市務公關策略等。客⼾包括酒商、餐飲公司以 ⾄各類機構例如威揚酒業、Whisky Magazine HK、Coravin 卡拉⽂、聖雅各福群會、VTC ⾼峰學院、City Super 等。⾯ 對酒業市場不斷變化,Yvonne 著重提供務實具體並可⾏的⽅案,以幫助其客⼾應對各種情況。

為求在葡萄酒及烈酒範籌皆能保持專業⽔平,Yvonne 在 2016 年開始進修英國精釀和蒸餾學會(Institute of Brewing & Distilling)的蒸餾學課程。2018 年更與朋友共同創⽴威⼠忌教育中⼼ WhiskyU,教授威⼠忌課程。

⼯作以外,Yvonne 還積極涉獵業界其他範疇:2020 年⾄今在聖雅各福群會教授政府資助 ERB 「⼈材發展計劃」葡萄 酒推廣員基礎証書,2021 年開始在 VTC ⾼峰學院擔任兼職講師。過去亦在 THEi ⾹港科技⾼等教育學院(VTC 成員)和 和⾹港管理協會(HKMA)教授葡萄酒和餐飲。2007 年⾄ 2012 年為雜誌「飲⻝男⼥」專欄作家,酒類⽐賽評審,酒類 活動主講,蘇格蘭威⼠忌酒廠學徒。 Yvonne 是法國⾹檳騎⼠,葡萄酒教育家協會⾹港和澳⾨分會的創始成員,也是 英國精釀及蒸餾學會(IBD)的會員。

Yvonne 亦是英國蘇格蘭 Muckle Brig Limited 的種籽投資者之⼀,該公司位於愛丁堡北部利斯(Leith),期下擁有 Port of Leith Distillery,和 Lind & Lime Gin Distillery。

Yvonne 堅信追求美好成果的兩⼤途徑:找到⺫標和實踐執⾏。到外國參觀酒區是⽣活的⼀部分,她到訪過 30 多個葡 萄酒產區,100 多個葡萄酒莊,15 家⽇本清酒酒造和燒酎酒造,以及蘇格蘭 10 家威⼠忌酒廠。

Cantonese and English


17:45 – 18:30

Beer Tasting Session – Knocking the Door to Craft Beers
啤酒品味工作坊 – 手工啤入門手冊

Theme Description 主題簡介

Join a short session with Belle, an experienced beer judge to walk through the origins of impactful beer styles in history while tasting them! Grab the chance to taste some local brews as well to understand why it's important to drink local!


Belle Leung

About the Speaker 關於講者

Belle is a co-founder of HK Brewcraft, the pioneer of beer education in Hong Kong. Belle is a National BJCP beer judge, an active exam proctor and grader for BJCP in Asia. She has over 8 years of beer judging experience in SG, TH, TW and different cities in CN.

Belle是自釀啤酒工作坊 (HK Brewcraft) 的聯合創始人,開創香港啤酒教育先河。Belle 亦是啤酒評審認證協會 (BJCP) 認證的國家級啤酒評審,現任BJCP亞洲考試的考員和評分員,在新加坡、泰國、中國台灣以及內地其他城市擁有超過8年的啤酒評審經驗。



11:30 – 12:30

A Taste of Alternatives: Asian Wine and Varieties

Theme Description 主題簡介

Immerse yourself in the winemaking history and diverse locations of Asia's wine countries, unearthing the fascinating stories behind their emergence. Uncover the distinctive characteristics of grape varieties found in Asia, as Sarah compares and contrasts them with esteemed old world classics and international favorites. Prepare for an extraordinary sensory experience as she guides you through a tasting of exquisite wines, engaging in thoughtful discussions about flavours.
Our workshop is designed to foster a deeper appreciation for the remarkable diversity of Asian wines, catering to both seasoned connoisseurs and curious enthusiasts alike. Save the date for this event at RBHK!

參加我們的「擴闊品味空間:亞洲葡萄酒與品種」工作坊,踏上認識亞洲葡萄酒和品種的迷人之旅。 歡迎於 9 月 7 日上午 11:30 至中午 12:30 到香港會議展覽中心 RBHK Tasting Theatre,知名葡萄酒專家Sarah Wong將與您一起探索獨一無二的亞洲風味。
沉浸於亞洲葡萄酒國家的釀酒歷史和多樣化的地理位置中,挖掘它們嶄新崛起背後的迷人故事。比較亞洲葡萄與舊世界經典、國際流行的品種,揭示亞洲葡萄的獨特特性。 準備好迎接這感官體驗,品嚐多款亞洲葡萄酒,深入討論它們的風味。

Sarah Wong

About the Speaker 關於講者

Sarah Wong was born and educated in Hong Kong. Sarah’s knowledge and expertise in wine has been developed through extensive wine education, tastings, judging in competitions and via travelling to a broad spectrum of wine regions. She has worked in vineyards in Southern Australia and has travelled to wine regions in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Italy and Japan. She is a wine columnist for the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong.

Sarah出生並於香港接受教育。Sarah 的葡萄酒知識是通過廣泛的專業葡萄酒教育、品鑒、作為比賽的評審以及前往不同葡萄酒產區的旅行所積累的。她曾在澳大利亞南部的葡萄園工作,並前往阿根廷、澳大利亞、智利、意大利和日本等葡萄酒產區旅行。她亦是香港《南華早報》的葡萄酒專欄作家。



13:00 – 14:00

Taste like a Spirits Expert: Unleash Your Palate's Potential

Theme Description 主題簡介

Embark on a transformative journey and unlock the secrets of professional spirits tasting. AWSEC’s certified Spirits Educator will guide you through unraveling the nuances of aroma, flavor, texture, and balance. Learn how to discern subtle notes, identify different spirits, and master the art of proper spirits tasting techniques.

踏上變革之旅,解開專業烈酒品鑑的秘密。 AWSEC 的認證烈酒導師將帶 領你了解香氣、風味、口感和平衡的細微差別。 學習如何辨別微妙的風 味香調,識別不同的烈酒,並了解正確的烈酒品鑑技巧。

Alfred Wong
(DipWSET, WSET Certified Spirits Educator, CSS, CSW, AWA)

About the Speaker 關於講者

Alfred Wong is an experienced Wine and Spirits Educator of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). Alfred is a WSET Certified Educator in both Wines and Spirits. An obsessed “pins” collector of recognitions from various professional bodies, he has been on the highway of a life-long journey since 2015 exploring wines and spirits of all kinds and towards personal development.

Alfred Wong 是亞洲葡萄酒服務與教育中心(AWSEC®)的一位經驗豐 富的葡萄酒和烈酒教育家。他是 WSET 認證的葡萄酒和烈酒導師。 作 為一名痴迷於獲得各種專業機構認可的“徽章”收藏家,自 2015 年 以來,他一直在探索葡萄酒和烈酒世界的奧秘,並不斷追求終身學習 與個人發展。



14:30 – 15:30

Re-Discover Japanese Wine: Koshu, Muscat Bailey A and More

Theme Description 主題簡介

In recent years, Japanese Wine has gained awareness from all around the globe, especially Koshu and Muscat Bailey A. But there is more about Japanese Wine, it is not only about these two varietals. In this masterclass, Mr. Reeze Choi – 2nd Runner-up of the Best Sommelier of the World Competition 2023 – will introduce the trend of Japanese Wines and guide us through a tasting of wines from the North (Hokkaido) to the West (Hiroshima).

近年來日本葡萄酒在國際餐飲舞台上開始備受矚目,尤其是甲州和貝利A麝香,但日本葡萄酒又何止兩款葡萄品種。在此大師班,Reeze Choi – 世界最佳侍酒師大賽2023的第三名 – 將會為大家介紹日本葡萄酒的最新資訊和帶領大家一起品嚐幾款由北(北海道)至西(廣島)的幾款日本葡萄酒。

Reeze Choi

About the Speaker 關於講者

Meticulous about his service and knowledgeable on food and beverage, Reeze is one of the most sought-after sommeliers in the world. He has worked at prestigious restaurants such as L’atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong and Upper Modern Bistro. His acquaintance with various cuisines and beverages—from French menu, cheese and coffee, to Cantonese dishes, sake and tea—has invested him with the ingenuity in curating original drinking and gastronomic experience for his guests. Reeze joined the Star Wine List as their Hong Kong Ambassador in 2019, and thereafter, has introduced the world some of the best wine places and stories in Hong Kong. Having been the ambassador of Château de Meursault and Château de Marsannay, he has shared ample insights in Burgundy wine with the field. Reeze has also been appointed as an ambassador of Japanese wine by JFoodo.

In 2023, Reeze won the 3rd place of the Best Sommelier of the World Competition, making history by being the first Chinese finalist of the renowned competition. His other achievements include the 1st runner-up of A.S.I. Asia-Oceania Best Sommelier Competition 2018, the Championship of The Best Sommelier Greater China (2016 – 2022), the Advanced Sommelier Certificate of The Count of Master Sommeliers (CMS), WSET Level Three Award in Wines, the Certified Specialist of Wine Certification, and the WSET educator certificate. Reeze is currently a candidate of CMS Master Sommelier.

Reeze是世界上最受歡迎的侍酒師之一。他曾在 L’atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong 和 Upper Modern Bistro 等知名餐廳工作。他對各種美食和飲品——從法式菜單、奶酪和咖啡,到粵菜、清酒和茶——的熟悉使他在為客人策劃原創飲品和美食體驗方面發揮了獨創性。 Reeze 於 2019 年加入 Star Wine List 作為其香港大使,此後向世界介紹了香港一些最好的葡萄酒產地和故事。作為默爾索城堡和瑪莎奈城堡的大使,他與該領域分享了對勃艮第葡萄酒的豐富見解。 Reeze 還被 JFoodo 任命為日本葡萄酒大使。

2023年,Reeze榮獲世界最佳侍酒師大賽第三名,成為首位入圍該知名賽事的中國人,創造了歷史。他的其他成就包括 A.S.I. 的第一名亞軍。 2018年亞洲-大洋洲最佳侍酒師大賽、大中華區最佳侍酒師冠軍(2016-2022)、英國侍酒大師(CMS)高級侍酒師證書、WSET第三級葡萄酒認證、葡萄酒認證專家認證、和 WSET 教育工作者證書。 Reeze目前是CMS Master Sommelier的候選人。


About the Speaker 關於講者

NORIZO devoted his attention to wine, he is not only the Movie Director of Vin Japonais (Japanese Wine), but also the Chief editor of NihonWine.jp, a website for listing Japanese wine information, as well as the Wine Expert certified by Japan Sommelier Association.

NORIZO專注於研究葡萄酒,他是電影《Vin Japonais》的導演,亦是日本葡萄酒信息網站Nihon Wine.jp的主編,更是獲得日本侍酒師協會認證的葡萄酒專家。

Kenneth Lee

About the Speaker 關於講者

Kenneth is the founder of The Time Sommelier Limited, which is the importer and distributor of boutique Japanese winery. Also, he is the organiser and chairman of Hong Kong Washu Awards (Japanese Sake and Japanese Wine Competition in Hong Kong, which started in 2020), and the consultant of Japanese Wine & Japanese Sake Content in CRU Magazine. With Distinction in WSET Level 3 Award in Sake, he is experienced in wine industry.

李先生是日本精品酒莊進口商和經銷商The Time Sommelier創始人,此外他是香港和酒大賞的主辦人(香港和酒大賞於2020年開始,為香港的日本清酒和日本葡萄酒大賽),亦是CRU Magazine日本葡萄酒和日本清酒的顧問。李先生在WSET 第三級清酒認證中以優異成績通過,在葡萄酒行業擁有豐富的經驗。

Cantonese and English


16:00 – 17:00

Explore the World of Premium Chinese Grape Wines and Shaoxing Huadiao

Theme Description 主題簡介

Explore premium Chinese wines with Benjamin Chan, Handy Chau and Kenneth Lee as they introduce Dynasty, a Chinese premium wine producer with a pivotal position in the market, and Xianheng Huadiao, one of the best traditional yellow wines to the audience.


Benjamin Chan

About the Speaker 關於講者

Benjamin Chan is a sommelier and a brand ambassador. He holds a WSET Level 3 certificate and a Level 2 certificate as a Chinese liquor taster.

陳銘昭是一位品酒師,同時也是品牌代言人。他擁有WSET 3證書和中國白酒品鑒師二級證書。

Handy Chau

About the Speaker 關於講者

Handy Chau is the Chief Editor of Wine & Spirits Magazine and has written many articles about wine and the gourmet lifestyle.


Kenneth Lee

About the Speaker 關於講者

Kenneth Lee is the third-generation owner of one of the city’s oldest food trade companies, Tung Tai Hong. In additional to his extensive knowledge in food import and export industry, he is also an expert in Chinese wines.

