由侍酒師和醇酒專家主持的一系列工作坊,與您分享品酒心得、葡萄酒鑑賞及餐酒搭配技巧,同時分析最新市場趨勢,讓您在數小時內搖身一變成為醇酒搭配大師!除此之外,新增的啤酒品鑑環節將帶您探索 RBHK 的全新領域。啤酒參展商將詳細解說每一瓶精釀啤酒的起源、味道、香氣、釀造過程和飲用技巧,帶您踏上一段扣人心弦的啤酒品味之旅。您可透過即場品味,讀懂每杯啤酒獨特的靈魂,加深對啤酒工藝的理解。
日期: | 2024年 9月 3 – 5日 |
地點: | Tasting Theatre, 展覽廳 5G, 香港會議展覽中心 |
3 September 2024
Time 時間 |
Theme 主題 |
Speaker 講者 |
Language 語言 |
11:30 – 12:30 |
Let the party be “GIN": the trend of Gin in HK and Asia market Theme Description 主題簡介Are you ready for the party to begin? Gin is becoming the trend as the alcohol is gaining more popularity in HK and Asia market. Let's have more insight on the development of Gin market. 準備好迎接琴酒的熱潮嗎?琴酒買賣今年轉趨活躍,亞洲市場發展蓬勃。就讓我們更深入了解琴酒於亞洲市場的發展趨勢吧。 |
Nelson Siu About the Speaker 關於講者Nelson is the CEO and Editor-in-chief for Wine Luxe Magazine. With over 10 years of wine industry experience, he has established his name as a wine judge, and a wine and food writer. Nelson是 Wine Luxe Magazine 的首席執行官和總編輯。憑著超過 10 年的行業經驗,Nelson 是業界的知名人物,並曾以評審身份參加酒類評賞賽事,現爲酒品和美食作家。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
Jeremy Li About the Speaker 關於講者Jeremy Li is the Co-Founder of N.I.P Gin (HK), which is inspired by the city. This meticulously crafted gin brings forth a balanced combination of flavours with local taste and aromas. Jeremy是 N.I.P Gin (HK) 的聯合創辦人。N.I.P Gin 的靈感源自城市的味道。Jeremy 的創作融合本地食材的香氣以及gin 的工藝,讓品嘗者感受城市東西交融的感覺。 |
14:30 – 15:30 |
Taste the Grape: California’s Varieties Theme Description 主題簡介California is a renowned wine region, producing some of the world's finest vintages. As the 4th-largest wine-producing area globally, California offers an ideal climate and terroir for cultivating a diverse array of grape varieties. From the crisp Sauvignon Blanc, the elegant Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, to the bold Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel, this class will guide you through an exploration of how California's unique growing conditions shape the expression of these iconic international grape varieties. 加州是世界頂級佳釀的重要產區。作為全球第四大葡萄酒產區,加州擁有理想的氣候和風土,適合各種葡萄品種的種植。從清新的長相思、優雅的霞多麗和黑比諾,到濃郁的赤霞珠和仙粉黛,本講座將帶您探索加州獨特的種植環境,如何塑造這些標誌性國際葡萄品種的風味特徵。 |
Jack Cheung About the Speaker 關於講者Jack is the Group Beverage Director for private club in Hong Kong. With over 10 years of wine industry experience, he has worked in different sectors of the wine industry, including retail, wholesale and F&B. This experience has enabled him to acquire insights into different parts of the trade. Jack has also worked in Macau and Singapore where he assisted in opening new bar projects. Jack holds DipWSET, Certified Sommelier and International Kikisake-Shi qualifications, and is a WSET Certified Educator in MWM Wine School. Jack是香港私人俱樂部的集團飲品總監。他擁有超過 10 年的葡萄酒行業經驗,曾於葡萄酒業的不同崗位任職,包括零售、批發和餐飲等。這些經驗使他能夠深入而全面了解行業。 Jack 也曾在澳門和新加坡工作,協助開設新的酒吧。 他擁有 WSET 文憑證書、認可侍酒師 和日本酒唎酒師認證,是香港 MWM 葡萄酒學校的WSET 認證導師。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
17:30 – 18:30 |
Hoppy Ever After: How Hops Became the Star of Craft Beer Theme Description 主題簡介
Warren Yu About the Speaker 關於講者
English 英語 |
4 September 2024
Time 時間 |
Theme 主題 |
Speaker 講者 |
Language 語言 |
11:30 – 12:30 |
Discover Chinese Wine (Terroir of Xinjiang, Ningxia, Shandong, Gansu, Yunnan) Theme Description 主題簡介Owning a vast amount of land, the soils and weather across China have different characteristics, nurturing Chinese wines with a variety of indulging notes. Throughout this session by Calvin Choi, let's delve into the tastes of wines from Xinjiang, Ningxia, Shandong, Gansu and Yunnan. 中國幅員遼闊, 地大物博, 不同風土條件亦令中國不同地區的葡萄酒有著別樣的味道特色。就讓我們多了解新疆, 寧夏, 山東, 甘肅, 以及雲南的葡萄酒的特色吧。 |
Calvin Choi About the Speaker 關於講者Calvin Choi is the Chairman of Hong Kong Wine Judges Association. As a Certified Sommelier (Court of Master Sommelier) and Certified Sake Sommelier (SSA), he holds WSET Level 3 in Wine and WSET Level 3 in Sake. Leading the Hong Kong Wine Judges Association, his vision is focused on wine education and research, aiming at nurturing talents and giving more support to the industry. 香港葡萄酒評審協會主席。經驗豐富的酒評人。擁有Court of Master Sommelier 侍酒師, 以及清酒侍酒師資格。Calvin 同時擁有WSET Level 3 紅酒及清酒畢業證書, 並期望香港葡萄酒評審協會以教育及研究為重心,特別培育年輕人,給予業界更多培訓。 |
Cantonese Mandarin 粵語 普通話 |
13:00 – 14:00 |
Fenjiu: The Immortal Chinese Spirits of a Millenium of History Theme Description 主題簡介Fenjiu, a traditional Chinese liquor, is a typical representative of the light aroma-type baijiu (Chinese distilled spirit). As it is produced in Xinghua Village, Fenyang City, Shanxi Province, it is also known as “Xinghua Village Wine".Fenjiu is renowned for its excellent craftsmanship, long history, and distinctive taste profile – smooth and velvety on the palate, with a sweet aftertaste and long-lasting fragrance. 汾酒,中國傳統名酒,屬於清香型白酒的典型代表。因產于山西省汾陽市杏花村,又稱“杏花村酒”。汾酒以工藝好,源遠流長,素以入口綿、落口甜、飲後餘香、回味悠長。 |
Davy Leung About the Speaker 關於講者Davy Leung is a spirits expert, holds a certified spirits instructor qualification, and has in-depth research on the history, production and tasting of spirits. As an independent wine educator and sommelier, he is good at analyzing the characteristics of various wines and providing professional tasting suggestions and pairing opinions. 梁康端是一位烈酒專家,持有認證烈酒導師資格,對烈酒歷史、生產及品鑑有深厚研究。同為獨立葡萄酒教育家兼品酒師,擅長分析各類酒品特色,提供專業的品鑑建議與搭配意見。 |
Cantonese Mandarin 粵語 普通話 |
14:30 – 15:30 |
Taste the Grape: Aglianico Theme Description 主題簡介Aglianico is one of Italy's most prestigious red grape varieties, often referred to as the “Barolo of the South" due to its powerful, tannic structure coupled with elegance and refinement. Similar to the renowned Nebbiolo grape, Aglianico has an exceptional ability to convey the unique characteristics of different terroirs, resulting in a diverse range of wine styles. The finest examples of Aglianico can rival the complexity and aging potential of great Barolos. In this masterclass led by our renowned Italian wine expert, Justin Chen, participants will have the opportunity to delve deeply into the intricacies of this magnificent grape variety. 艾格尼科是義大利高貴的紅葡萄品種之一,因其單寧結構和優雅細緻的品質,常被稱為「南方的巴羅洛」。與內比奧羅葡萄類似的艾格尼科,能完美表達不同產區風土特色,因此能酿造出風格各異的葡萄酒。最優秀的艾格尼科佳釀的複雜度和陳年潛力毫不遜色於偉大的巴羅洛媲美葡萄酒。在這次大師班,著名的義大利葡萄酒專家Justin Chen 將與我們深入了解這一偉大的葡萄品種。 |
Justin Chen, IWS, IWA About the Speaker 關於講者Justin is a wine educator at MWM Wine School in Hong Kong. He founded Joy Palate Wine Academy in 2014 and had been the wine educator and wine consultant between Hong Kong and Guangzhou for the academy previously. Justin has a wide range of wine-related qualifications, including DipWSET, WSET Certified Educator, Vinitaly International Academy (VIA) Italian Wine Ambassador & Certified Italian Wine Educator, Wine Scholar Guild (WSG) Italian Wine Scholar (Highest Honors) & Approved Instructor, WSG Spainish Wine Scholar & Approved Instructor, Knight of Truffle and Wine of Alba, and was awarded a Runner-up at the Hong Kong International Top Tasters Competition by The Drinks Business in 2016. Justin 是香港 MWM 葡萄酒學校的葡萄酒導師。他於2014年創立了薈韻葡萄酒學院,此前曾擔任該學院香港和廣州之間的葡萄酒導師和葡萄酒顧問。 Justin 擁有廣泛的葡萄酒相關資格,包括WSET文憑證書、WSET 認證導師、意大利Vinitaly 國際學院 (VIA) 義大利葡萄酒大使和認證導師、葡萄酒學者協會 (WSG) 義大利葡萄酒學者(最高榮譽)和認可講師、 WSG西班牙葡萄酒學者及認可導師、Knight of Truffle and Wine of Alba,並於2016年在The Drinks Business舉辦的香港國際頂級品酒師大賽中獲得亞軍。 |
English 英語 |
17:30 – 18:30 |
Explore the Diverse World of Beer Theme Description 主題簡介Getting confused with beer menu in restaurants? Unsure what to order because “all beers taste the same"? Uncover the mystery behind major beer styles through tasting 6 beers guided by international beer judge and WSET beer educator, to help you understand more about beers worldwide. You will also receive tips and hints on food pairing for the beers as well! 在餐廳點餐時感到啤酒選單很困惑?因為「所有啤酒的味道都一樣」而不知道點什麼?讓國際啤酒評委和WSET啤酒認證導師帶你品嘗6種啤酒,幫助你了解更多關於世界各地的啤酒風格。你也會收到關於如何與食物搭配這些啤酒的提示和建議!。 |
Belle Leung About the Speaker 關於講者Belle is a National BJCP beer judge, an active exam proctor and grader for BJCP in Asia. She has over 8 years of beer judging experience in SG, TH, TW and different cities in CN. She has recently become one of the first WSET’s certified beer educators in the world. Belle 是啤酒評審認證協會 (BJCP) 認證的國家級啤酒評審,現任BJCP亞洲考試的考員和評分員,在新加坡、泰國、中國台灣以及內地其他城市擁有超過8年的啤酒評審經驗,最近她更成為全世界首批獲得 WSET 啤酒認證導師 的人之一。 |
English 英語 |
5 September 2024
Time 時間 |
Theme 主題 |
Speaker 講者 |
Language 語言 |
11:30 – 12:30 |
Taste the TTSA 2024 Winning Sake Theme Description 主題簡介Hong Kong Tasting Trendies® Sake Awards (TTSA) is a prestigious industry event that celebrates excellence and innovation across a specialised product category. For the 2024 edition, the TTSA programme has expanded its reach and impact, solidifying its position as a must-attend destination for trade professionals and enthusiasts alike. 香港品味潮人清酒大賞 (TTSA) 是一項享負盛名的行業盛事,旨在表彰餐飲業不同類型的傑出清酒類別。2024年的TTSA擴大了其覆蓋範圍和影響力,是業內專業買家和清酒愛好者必到的活動。 |
Tomy Fong About the Speaker 關於講者Tomy Fong is the Co-founder and Judges Affairs Director of TTSA. Being one of the first certified BJCP judges in Hong Kong, he has been passionate about giving lectures on spirits. Tomy enjoys guiding students to explore and savour the rich taste in the world of Sake and beers. Tomy是香港品味潮人的聯合創辦人及評審主席。作爲香港首位美國BJCP 認可級別的國際啤酒評審, Tomy 一直熱衷於傳承品酒知識,並希望愛酒之徒能享受清酒和啤酒的味蕾享受。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |
14:30 – 15:30 |
A Sake Time Capsule: Exploring Centuries of Japanese Brewing Tradition Theme Description 主題簡介Sake has been an integral part of Japan's culture for nearly two millennia, with its production methods and flavor profiles transforming dramatically over the generations. In this exclusive tasting, our expert educator will guide you through a curated selection of rare and retro-style sakes that offer a glimpse into sake's rich history and evolution. You will have the opportunity to taste ancient sake styles, long-forgotten techniques, and artisanal brews, and gain a deeper appreciation for the ever-changing artistry of sake-making. 日本清酒有著近二千年悠久的歷史,在這漫長的時間裏形成了多樣化與精緻化風格。在這次專題工作坊中,我們的清酒導師將帶領大家一起品鑒當代清酒,所嘗酒品皆為香港品味潮人清酒大賞2024年的獲獎清酒,讓參加者了解清酒最新的發展趨勢。 |
Micky Lo About the Speaker 關於講者Micky attained his International Sakasho qualification in 2022 and is a WSET Certified Sake Educator. He has more than 10 years of Sake appreciation experience, and loves guiding students to explore and savour the rich heritage and knowledge of the world of Sake. Micky 於2022 年獲得了國際酒匠資格,並且是 WSET 認證的清酒導師。 他擁有超過10年的清酒鑑賞經驗,熱衷於引導學生探索和品味清酒世界的豐富歷史和知識。 |
Cantonese 粵語 |